Grace did cheerleading for the months of September and October. B/c my life is crazy with the 3 kids, I've decided to put a "1 activity at a time" limit on each child. Grace's dance class in Alabama last year was pretty rigid and not near as recreational as we wanted. B/c of this, Grace wanted to take a break from dance and do cheerleading this Fall instead. I agreed, not realizing how time consuming it would be! She had cheerleading 3 times/week! She had practices on Mondays and Wednesdays after school and football games to cheer at on Saturday mornings! It was crazy enough just dragging the toddler and baby along......not sure what I'm going to do when the boys are old enough for sports! At least they will be able to function more independently when they are older.........so I won't have to worry about timing baby's breastfeedings between the chaos of extra-curricular activities and trying to chase after a 2 year old all while trying to watch Grace cheer-ha,ha! These pictures of Grace in her uniform made me realize how much older she is looking these days.
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