Well I can hardly believe that summer is over and Fall is here to stay! This warm weathered Texas family is definitely in for a LONG winter considering the temperatures have already dropped to the 30's and 40's at night! We are really enjoying our time here in Kansas. However, I must admit that we really miss Alabama as well (not the money pit of a house we lived in though!) which surprises me. After Scott David was born and I knew we would be gearing up for a move in a few months I was ready to move so that we could get the move behind us and try to get settled yet again! But I do miss Sweet Home Alabama. I'll always look back on our time in Alabama with nostalgia as this was the first place (CIVILIZATION!) that we moved to after 3 years of remote, desert life. We also had JD home in a school environment while he attended the Air Force's major school. With his NORMAL hours, we were able to create a lot of fun family memories! Plus we had the biggest and most wonderful surprise of our life there, Scott David! :) I'm enclosing a link to some pictures I posted on Facebook of the highlights of our summer here in KS. The picture of Grace and JR I've shared with this entry sums up the perfect way to end a great summer......with treats from the ice cream man of course! Here is a link to the pictures:
Miranda! Grace looks so much like you in the above picture. I thought it was a picture of a young you at first until I saw te SpongBob ice cream.