I wanted to share some photos of Grace from her Diva Makeover. We take the kids to a really cute kids salon in Kansas City for haircuts. It's a huge deal for me and such a fun place for the kids to go as this is the first time that we've lived close to a kids salon. Grace had her first haircut at a kids salon in Texas and I was disappointed that we could not do the same for JR last year in Alabama. Anyway, after going to this salon for the first time I signed Grace up for a diva makeover that the salon was doing as a special on the 4th of July. (They were also doing "dude makeovers" and the boys could get their hair sprayed with red, white, and blue hair paint, but I thought JR was too young to really enjoy this.....or it might have really freaked him out! The boys getting it done sure looked cute though!).
JD and I get sad the more and more our princess grows up! I get sad when Grace tells me that some days she doesn't want to wear bows or that she is ready to get her ears pierced! She has become so independent too, something I think had to come quicker since she is now the big sister of 2 baby brothers-ha,ha!! She is definitely mommy's helper with her brothers and around the house. JD and I realize that we have our hands full with 3 little ones (it's funny to think that we've had 3 kids in 5 years and JD was deployed for one of those years!) so JD had a vasectomy a few weeks ago. As we prepared for JD's procedure, we of course were sad knowing the pregnancy/having babies phase of our lives is over. It's funny that I felt a sense of mourning for this considering we thought we were done having babies after JR. So as our way of dealing with this (I hope!) JD and I have briefly been talking about adoption in a few years (I know I'm done being pregnant as I'm not sure my body could handle another 9 or 10 pound baby). I'm not sure we would ever give it a serious thought, but at least knowing we have this option, made the vasectomy easier to handle. My point in telling all of this? I explained what adoption is to Grace and asked her if she wants us to adopt a baby in a few years. She looked at me, squinted her eyes and pointed to her brain like she was thinking really hard and said, "No, mom, I think I just want a dog!". That little girl cracks us up!